Supplication Get-Together

Join us in a supplication gathering at the Community Cultural Centre to recite Munajat
Shabaniyah and Ziarat Warith, pay tribute to Imam Hossein, Hazrat Abalfazl, and Imam
Sajjad, and hold congregational prayer.

📣 Free consultation in purchasing insurance plans, such as life, travel (including visitors),
health, and mortgage protection, is also offered at this program by an
insurance advisor and a sponsor of CCC.
Time: Sunday, March 6, 2022 – 5 pm to 7 pm
Venue: Community Cultural Centre (CCC), located at Unit 318 of 3025 Albion Rd N, Ottawa,
ON K1V 9V9

⚠️ Elevator is out of service.
🦠 Participants need to fill out the COVID-19 screening form before they arrive at the venue,
which requires 2 shots of vaccine, no symptoms, wearing a mask and also showing vaccination
passport at entrance.
🍪 If you’d like to prepare Nazri for the attendees of the program, please package them in
separate containers distributable to each individual.


IHCCO Public Relations

The event is finished.


Mar 06 2022


17:00 - 19:00


Community Cultural Centre (CCC) - Old
3025 Albion Rd N, Unit 318, Ottawa, ON K1V 9V9