Supplication Get-Together
Join us in a supplication gathering at the Community Cultural Centre to recite Munajat
Shabaniyah and Ziarat Warith, pay tribute to Imam Hossein, Hazrat Abalfazl, and Imam
Sajjad, and hold congregational prayer.
📣 Free consultation in purchasing insurance plans, such as life, travel (including visitors),
health, and mortgage protection, is also offered at this program by an
insurance advisor and a sponsor of CCC.
Time: Sunday, March 6, 2022 – 5 pm to 7 pm
Venue: Community Cultural Centre (CCC), located at Unit 318 of 3025 Albion Rd N, Ottawa,
ON K1V 9V9
⚠️ Elevator is out of service.
🦠 Participants need to fill out the COVID-19 screening form before they arrive at the venue,
which requires 2 shots of vaccine, no symptoms, wearing a mask and also showing vaccination
passport at entrance.
🍪 If you’d like to prepare Nazri for the attendees of the program, please package them in
separate containers distributable to each individual.
IHCCO Public Relations