Resumption of Preschool Quranic Edutainment of Ottawa

Dear friends,

It is to inform you that IHCCO will resume the Quranic Edutainment of Ottawa classes for 2-6 years old kids now in-person where they will learn Quran as well as key moral and Islamic teachings in a fun and interactive environment. Being in a circle of Farsi speaking peers and instructors, it is also a good opportunity for kids to communicate in Farsi even more.

When: Sundays 4-5 PM from Sep 5, 2021

Where: Community Cultural Centre (CCC), located on the third floor of 3025 Albion Rd N, Ottawa, ON

  • All attendees must fill out the COVID-19 screening form sent to them before their entrance (which requires 2 shots of COVID-19 vaccines if eligible and no symptoms).

Register through this page and include the name and age of your kid(s). Previously registered kids do not need to register again.

Fee: $20 per month – waived for families contributing $100 or more to the CCC project.

Please note, classes are going to be held regularly unless otherwise announced. 

Stay Safe!

IHCCO Public Relations